Wholesale at Zambala
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Fax Number: (626) 289-9719
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Alahambra, CA 91803 USA


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 Thank you & Many Blessings to you from Zambala!



Cundi mirror pendant GP/SP
Cundi without border
Nawari Dhupaya rope incense(hand made)
Medicine Buddha Mantra Ring
Six Arm Red Avalokiteshvara hand painted thanka
D/Dorje pendant 5leaf GP
silver Cundi mirror pendant
Medicine Buddha Beads Mala
Finger Mantra Counter
Four-arms Avalokitesvara
Crystal Treasure Vase Gold plated
Guru Padmasambhava GC
Snow Crystal mala 12mm
Xiao Ye Zitan 8mm
Sil.2 tassled mantra counter
Current Page 4 / 200 First Previous 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 ... Next Last
Medicine Buddha Nepalese
Medicine Buddha Nepalese  
Wholesale priceUS XXXXXX
Retail priceUS 12000.00

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Assorted thanka w/frame
Assorted thanka w/frame 
Wholesale priceUS XXXXX
Retail priceUS 720.00

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Assorted thanka w/frame
Assorted thanka w/frame 
Wholesale priceUS XXXXX
Retail priceUS 720.00

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Assorted thanka w/frame
Assorted thanka w/frame 
Wholesale priceUS XXXXX
Retail priceUS 720.00

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Guru Zambala
Guru Zambala 
Wholesale priceUS XXXXXX
Retail priceUS 14000.00

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9 leaf dorjee 9cm w/turquoise
9 leaf dorjee 9cm w/turquoise 
Wholesale priceUS XXXX
Retail priceUS 392.00

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Silver round Aha D/dorje Gau
Silver round Aha D/dorje Gau 
Wholesale priceUS XXX
Retail priceUS 72.00

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Sil.2 tassled counter w/melong
Sil.2 tassled counter w/melong 
Wholesale priceUS XXX
Retail priceUS 72.00

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25 pages cotton prayer flag
25 pages cotton prayer flag 
Wholesale priceUS XXX
Retail priceUS 36.00

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Good Fortune Tibetan Incense
Good Fortune Tibetan Incense 
Wholesale priceUS XXX
Retail priceUS 20.00

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Mani/Kalachakra horizontal
Mani/Kalachakra horizontal 
Wholesale priceUS XXX
Retail priceUS 48.00

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Conch carved 8 Aus.Symbol
Conch carved 8 Aus.Symbol 
Wholesale priceUS XXXX
Retail priceUS 392.00

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Conch carved 8 Aus.Symbol
Conch carved 8 Aus.Symbol 
Wholesale priceUS XXXX
Retail priceUS 392.00

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Conch carved w/silver inlay
Conch carved w/silver inlay 
Wholesale priceUS XXXXX
Retail priceUS 1520.00

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Prayer Wheel electric ( 3 Color )
Prayer Wheel electric ( 3 Color ) 
Wholesale priceUS XXXX
Retail priceUS 152.00

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 Peaceful Torma.Flower ( M )
Peaceful Torma.Flower ( M ) 
Wholesale priceUS XXX
Retail priceUS 52.00

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Peaceful Torma.Flower
Peaceful Torma.Flower 
Wholesale priceUS XXX
Retail priceUS 28.00

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Spinning P.Wheel pendant
Spinning P.Wheel pendant 
Wholesale priceUS XXX
Retail priceUS 39.60

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Liu Li Zambala pendant
Liu Li Zambala pendant 
Wholesale priceUS XXX
Retail priceUS 24.00

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Tubular Gau metal w/8AS
Tubular Gau metal w/8AS 
Wholesale priceUS XXX
Retail priceUS 23.20

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